Bob Cesca of Bob & Chez podcast & The Daily Banter (among others); Call in Hr 2 (10:00am EST / 7:00am PST)

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA28) calls in Hr. 2 (10:30am EST / 7:30am PST)

Carlos Alazraqui of Fox’s ‘Bordertown’ & ‘The Sexy Liberal Show’ IN STUDIO for Hr 3 (11:00am EST / 8:00am PST)

Charlie Pierce of Esquire.com Calls in at 11am EST / 8am PST

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Well before the Vice Presidential debates even begin, the Republican National Committee’s website is already declaring Mike Pence to be the winner, revealing their total desperation to have any kind of win right now.

Tim Kaine calls out the deplorable things that Trump has been saying for the last year and a half, and Mike Pence lies about every single well-documented statement that’s been word-vomited out of Donald Trump’s filthy, hateful mouth. That, or the American public is just too stupid to understand what Trump really meant, and that he’s not a polished politician, so he might make crazy promises that gut the idea of civil rights. So what, right?

Stephen Colbert goes live immediately after the debates end, pointing out that the whole thing was sort of like “watching white bread get pistol-whipped by a jar of mayonnaise.”

And Michelle Obama throws brilliant shade at Donald Trump and whiny claims of a broken microphone being to blame for his poor performance.