Charlie Pierce of in for Hr 2
Jody Hamilton of the ‘From The Bunker’ podcast (among other entertainment ventures) LIVE in studio for Hour Three!

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #sexyliberalsantafe to tag your pictures from Saturday on Twitter and Instagram.

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A hijacked Egyptian plane overnight wasn’t another act of terrorism, but instead, an act of a man trying to make up with his ex-wife. Add that event to another non-terrorist shooting at the U.S. Capitol on Monday, which wounded the shooter and had DC on lockdown for a few hours.

In the U.S., Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal made up with worried businesses on Monday by vetoing the latest anti-LGBT bill to hit the states. Meanwhile, in North Carolina, that state is begining to get sued for their latest anti-LGBT bill.

With President Obama’s approval now at 53%, things are looking better than ever for Democrats this year. Some on the Left are still in a purist mindset, like actress Susan Sarandon, who made it clear last night that if her candidate Sen. Sanders doesn’t win, she might not vote for Hillary Clinton. Dan Savage, however, made it clear where most on the Left really are. #UniteBlue

Fmr. Sec. Clinton showed what she was really concerned with Monday, in a speech in Wisconsin, hitting Republicans over their continued delay in voting on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

Meanwhile, Republican front-runner Donald Trump ran into a radio buzzsaw in Wisconsin on Monday, as a local host there finally did what most journalists won’t do – give Trump a real interview. The President even criticized the media Monday for being too soft on Trump.