Frangela filling in all this week!

Dean Obeidallah of The Dean Obeidallah Show (Weekdays at Noon on SiriusXM Insight Ch 121) will join us in Hour 1.
Bob Cesca of Bob & Chez podcast & The Daily Banter will join us for Hour 2
And Dana Goldberg, Comedian extrordinaire will join us IN STUDIO for Hr 3!
It’s Wednesday and the Cheeto Jesus of the GOP, Donald Trump, is supposed to be giving a major speech today bashing Hillary Clinton. That event will likely be like most of his appearances in the media currently – little more than another distraction from the massive problems of his campaign.

From Trump’s campaign being effectively broke, to his inability to raise money for the Republican Party, to his horrible business record, to his still not producing his tax records, to his kids seemingly giving him ultimatums about his campaign, the Trumpster fire only seems to keep getting higher.

On Tuesday, Donald went in front of a group of supposed evangelical leaders to lie about his faith, where he blasted Sec. Clinton saying no one has ever heard her say much about her faith – which was almost immediately debunked by video of Clinton in January, talking about her Methodist faith.

Meanwhile, Sec. Clinton laid out another blistering attack on Trump in her speech Tuesday about economics, and about how bad Trump would be for America, economically. She isn’t kidding; economists from the left, right, and center have all said what she laid out on Tuesday – a Donald Trump presidency would send America into another massive recession.

Sec Clinton was helped by Sen. Warren on Tuesday, who released a video of her own, blasting Trump for being a “fraud and a cheapskate’ and asking a very valid question: If everyone else has to pay their taxes, why doesn’t Donald Trump?

And in surprising news, the Senate appears to be working on some truly bipartisan gun safety legislation, after Republicans in the Senate on Monday did the bidding of their NRA masters and killed four gun safety bills.