• Michael Tomasky of The Daily Beast calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to talk about our plans to take on ISIS

Schechner• Health care reform expert Jacki Schechner joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for Jacki’s Healthcare Corner

• After a day of public pressure from angry fans and concerned sponsors, the Minnesota Vikings have reversed course and placed star running back Adrian Peterson on the exempt-commissioner’s permission list, which means he will have to stay away from the team while he addresses child abuse charges in Texas.

• Gen. Martin Dempsey, the nation’s top military leader, told Congress Tuesday that he will recommend President Obama consider using ground troops to combat ISIS if the expanded military campaign to the president laid out last week fails.

• President Obama on Tuesday announced a major expansion of U.S. aid in the fight against the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, warning that the virus is spiraling out of control and could become a threat to global security if left unchecked.

• Broadening its push to improve police relations with minorities, the Justice Department has enlisted a team of criminal justice researchers to study racial bias in law enforcement in five American cities and recommend strategies to address the problem nationally, Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday.