Michael Tomasky of “The Daily Beast” calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to talk about Jeb Bush’s big blunder on Iraq

Alazraqui• Actor and comedian Carlos Alazraqui joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for “ Coffee With Carlos”

• At least five people were killed Tuesday night when an Amtrak train headed to New York City from Washington D.C. crashed on a curve in Philadelphia. Six people were hospitalized in critical condition, and 65 more with injuries of some degree.

• Likely Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Tuesday that he misinterpreted a question about his support for the Iraq War, saying he is unsure whether he would have made the same decision as his brother President George W. Bush knowing what we do 12 years later.

• President Obama yesterday laid out his vision for alleviating the scourge of generational poverty – a view that he says was shaped by his experience growing up in a single-parent home. His remarks provided rare insight into an often-guarded president, now in his second term.

• It’s official: President Obama’s presidential library will be housed in Chicago at one of two sites submitted by the University of Chicago, where the president once taught constitutional law.