Michael Tomasky of The Daily Beast calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about troubles in Mitch McConnell’s campaign

Alazraqui• Sexy Liberal Carlos Alazraqui joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for another edition of Coffee With Carlos

• Another satellite has relayed images of debris in the southern Indian Ocean that may be from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Malaysia’s acting transport minister told a news conference Wednesday. Hishammuddin Hussein said 122 objects were spotted Sunday.

• The women of the Supreme Court and the conservative men on the court appeared split Tuesday over whether for-profit companies have religious freedom protections that would exempt them from providing their workers with health care coverage for contraception.

• With the Crimean peninsula in Russian hands and no resolution in sight to the crisis in Ukraine, President Obama will have to make his case for a unified response from the United States and Europe in a speech Wednesday at the Palais Des Beaux Arts in Brussels, Belgium.

• The Secret Service sent three agents home from the Netherlands just before President Obama’s arrival after one agent was found inebriated in an Amsterdam hotel, the agency said Tuesday.