• Charlie Pierce of Esquire’s Politics Blog calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about Bernie Sanders’ media coverage

AlazraquiCarlos Alazraqui joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for “Coffee With Carlos”

• Hillary Clinton has directed her staff to give the Department of Justice the private email server that she used during her tenure as Secretary of State, a spokesman said. Clinton’s team has also turned over a thumb drive containing emails that has already provided to the state department.

• Police outnumbered protesters along West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson on Tuesday night, perhaps signaling the demonstrations around the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death are starting to fade. The crowd of around 100 demonstrators was mostly calm and peaceful.

• Donald Trump says his campaign is prepared to lay out specific policy plans. He’s just not ready yet. And in the meantime, he’s selling his strong personality and criticizing his rivals, particularly Jeb Bush for a lack of vigor.

• Former First Lady Nancy Reagan is inviting 16 Republican presidential candidates to participate in the CNN/Reagan Library presidential debate on September 16. Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, who participated in the debate of lower-tier candidates last week, has not yet been invited.