Michael Tomasky of “The Daily Beast” calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to talk about why Kevin McCarthy will be worse than Boehner as Speaker

• Charlie Pierce of Esquire’s Politics Blog calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about Jeb Bush using his brother as a campaign tool

Hamilton• Podcaster Jody Hamilton joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for “Total Trollop Tuesday”

• While promoting her new proposals to limit the availability of firearms, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suggested at a town hall in New Hampshire Monday that “responsible gun owners” should join together to create an alternative to the National Rifle Association.

• U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said he was disappointed by the Trans-Pacific Partnership Pacific trade deal reached on Monday, saying the pact would cost U.S. jobs and hurt consumers.

• The gunman who executed nine people at an Oregon community college before killing himself ranted in a manifesto he left behind about not having a girlfriend and thinking everyone else was “crazy,” a law enforcement official said Monday.

• Floodwaters inundating South Carolina after unprecedented rainfall have resulted in nine deaths, more than 500 road and bridge closures and hundreds of rescues of people trapped in homes and cars by the rising water.