• Charlie Pierce of Esquire’s Politics Blog calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about charges against those Baltimore cops

Hamilton• Podcaster Jody Hamilton joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for “Total Trollop Tuesdays”

• Bob Cesca of “The Daily Banter” and “The Bob And Chez Show” podcast calls in at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT to talk about Bernie Sanders

• President Obama said Monday that a “sense of unfairness and powerlessness” has helped the fuel protests in places like Baltimore, Ferguson, Missouri and New York that have occurred after the deaths of black men at the hands of police.

• President Obama today will nominate Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford Jr. as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The move, which U.S. officials disclosed on Monday afternoon, will put the highest-ranking post in the U.S. military in the hands of a widely respected, combat-hardened commander.

• The Islamic State group claimed responsibility on Tuesday for a weekend attack at a center near Dallas exhibiting cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. It was unclear whether the group was opportunistically claiming the attack as its own.