Karl Frisch of Bullfight Strategies calls in at 9am ET / 6am PT to talk about Anthony Weiner and the politics of sexting

TomaskyMichael Tomasky of The Daily Beast calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about why we need to repeal John Boehner

• President Obama vowed yesterday to focus his energy for the rest of his presidency on the core tenet of his election victories — equal opportunity for all Americans — starting with speeches on the economy that appeared to launch this year’s budget battle with the GOP.

• After a series of delays, the Senate passed legislation Wednesday to fundamentally restructure government student loans and reverse the sharp hikes in interest rates that went into effect on July 1.

• After a fierce public debate over balancing national security interests with the privacy of Americans, the House narrowly voted Wednesday to continue a sweeping NSA program that collects phone record data on all American citizens.

Baby Cambridge now has a name: George Alexander Louis. The name of Prince William and Kate’s son was announced Wednesday by Kensington Palace, two days after he was born.