Karl Frisch of Bullfight Strategies calls in at 9am ET / 6am PT to co-host Right Wing World

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) calls in at 9:30am ET / 6:30am PT to discuss the Sandy Aid package and President Obama’s gun control proposals

Tyler• Sexy Liberal Aisha Tyler calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to promote Sexy Liberal DC and to tell us about tonight’s season premiere of “Archer” on FX

President Obama yesterday announced the most ambitious gun-control drive in generations. Proposals include universal background checks as well as bans on assault weapons and ammunition clips that hold more than 10 bullets. Some of his proposals are sure to run headlong into fierce opposition from the GOP in Congress, as well as the NRA lobby.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is preparing to step down from his post at the end of March. Salazar, a former Colorado senator, was among the Cabinet members expected to resign in the president’s second term, but the timing had not been revealed.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will testify before a Senate panel next Wednesday on the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and the committee will hold a confirmation hearing on her successor the following day.