The Rude Pundit calls in at 9:30am ET / 6:30am PT to talk about Edward Snowden and Independence Day

Schechner• Current TV’s Jacki Schechner calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to update us on the implementation of health care reform

Eric Boehlert, Senior Fellow at Media Matters for America, calls in at 11am ET / 8am PT to talk about the GOP’s fight against Sen. Wendy Davis in Texas

The pilot at the controls of an Asiana plane that crash landed was guiding a Boeing 777 into the San Francisco airport for the first time, and tried but failed to abort the landing after coming in too slow to set down safely, aviation and airline officials said Sunday.

The political battle in Texas over proposed restrictions on abortion resumes today with a rally by abortion opponents and a public hearing in the state Senate, where Dem Wendy Davis staged a filibuster last month to stall the GOP-backed measure.

A solemn procession of 19 white hearses carrying the remains of firefighters killed battling an AZ wildfire left Phoenix accompanied by police motorcycle outriders on Sunday on a final journey passing through the crew’s hometown.

Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Secretary of State John Kerry, has been flown to Boston for further medical treatment after being taken by ambulance from the couple’s Nantucket home to a hospital on Sunday afternoon.