The Rude Pundit calls in at 9:30am ET / 6:30am PT to talk about the power that Trump has over the Republicans

Media MattersEric Boehlert of Media Matters for America calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to talk about the Hillary email coverage and the press

• Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump criticized U.S. immigration and trade policies on Saturday in speeches that veered from accusing Mexico of deliberately sending criminals across the border to professing respect for the Mexican government and love for its people.

• A summit of eurozone leaders reached a tentative agreement with Greece on Monday for a bailout program that includes “serious reforms” and aid, removing an immediate threat that Greece could collapse financially and leave the euro.

• The end is finally in sight for the growing field of GOP presidential candidates, with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker officially stepping into the race today. He’ll be the 15th GOP-er competing for the nomination in 2016, and one of the last, with only Ohio Gov. John Kasich to follow soon.

• Monday was the 17th straight day of the Iran nuclear negotiations in Vienna, and diplomats were anxious to wrap them up with the latest deadline looming at midnight when a temporary pause in Iran’s nuclear work was to expire. Sources say a deal is very close.