The Rude Pundit calls in at 9:30am ET / 6:30am PT to talk about Lindsey Graham and same-sex marriage

Media MattersEric Boehlert of Media Matters for America calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to talk about Sarah Palin and the demise of the Tea Party Media

Voice Deity Jim Ward joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for Maximum Mookage Mondays

• President Obama’s budget plan, to be announced today, lays out the President’s strategy to fight income inequality. The budget would install new taxes hitting U.S. corporations storing assets overseas and offer nearly $300 billion in tax cuts aimed at mainly the middle class.

• Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee says expecting Christians to accept same-sex marriage is “like asking someone who’s Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli.”

• Super Bowl XLIX will be remembered for its exciting, crazy ending. Tom Brady led the New England Patriots to a 28-24 heart-pounding win over the Seattle Seahawks and undrafted rookie defensive back Malcolm Butler made an astonishing interception to seal the win.

• Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, is on a ventilator and in intensive care in a coma, after she was found facedown and unresponsive in a bathtub full of water, a source close to the family said.