John Fugelsang, host of “Tell Me Everything” on SiriusXM Insight 121, calls in at 9am ET / 6am PT for “Fridays With Fugelsang”

• Kris Perry, plaintiff in the Prop 8 case, calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to talk about yesterday’s Hillary Clinton fundraiser

frangela• Comedy duo Frangela joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for “Fridays With Frangela”

• Chris Christie didn’t make the cut for Republican main stage presidential debate hosted by the Fox Business Network and the Wall Street Journal next week. Mike Huckabee will also be bumped from the main stage to the “undercard” debate with Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal.

• Former President George H.W. Bush is publicly criticizing for the first time key members of his son’s administration. A biography of the nation’s 41st president to be published next week contains his sharply critical assessments of Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

• Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced legislation this week to end the federal prohibition on marijuana, going far beyond Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in his acceptance of the drug. Sanders has tied the issue of marijuana legalization to criminal justice reform.

• President Obama says he thinks there is a “possibility that there was a bomb on board” the Russian jet that broke up in mid-air over Egypt this weekend, killing more than 200 people. Security has been increased on overseas flights.