Fugelsang2 John Fugelsang, host of “Tell Me Everything” on SiriusXM Insight 121, calls in at 9am ET / 6am PT for “Fridays With Fugelsang”

• Comedy Duo Frangela joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for “Fridays With Frangela”

• A wing part that washed up on the French island of La Reunion is “very likely” part of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, according to the Australian official leading the investigation. Searchers continued to scour the coastline of the remote island in hopes of finding more debris.

• A judge on Wednesday scolded the state department for its slow release of Hillary Clinton’s records from her tenure as secretary of state, but Clinton on Thursday insisted that she is personally releasing the emails in question in a “timely fashion.”

• Zimbabwe intends to seek the extradition of an American dentist who killed a lion that was lured out of a national park and shot with a bow and a gun, and the process has already begun, a Cabinet minister said Friday.

• Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said he is confident he would “get along very well with Vladimir Putin,” despite the contentious relationship the Russian president has had with the United States in recent years.