TONIGHT ONLY – Sexy Liberal plays movie theaters all over the country!

Lee Papa aka Rude Pundit – BY PHONE, in Hr 1 (9:30am EST / 6:30am PST)

Attorney Lisa Bloom of on the line in Hr 1 (9:45am EST / 6:45am EST).
Click here to watch her new interview with her client Jill Harth

Eric Boehlert, Senior Fellow at Media Matters – BY PHONE, in Hr 2 (10:06am EST / 7:06am PST)

suzanne whang
Suzanne Whang, Stand-up comic, speaker, author, activist, actor, coach – IN STUDIO, Hr 3


FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn’t changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges after a review of new emails.

Support for Donald Trump has slipped to its lowest in 10 days and enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton has recovered from its apparent damage by the latest FBI email investigation. Yet the race between them remains close in the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll. Forty-seven percent of likely voters support Clinton with 43 percent for Trump in the latest four-night results.

President Obama turned the tables on the crowd at a Hillary Clinton rally — sticking up for the free speech rights of a Donald Trump supporter who interrupted him this weekend in North Carolina.