The Rude Pundit calls in at 9:00am ET / 6:30am PST.

Eric Boehlert from Media Matters calls in at 10am ET / 7AM PST.

Comedian Monique Marvez joins us in the 11am EST / 8am PST o’clock hour.

  • Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has denied mocking a disabled New York Times reporter during a campaign address earlier this week.
  •  Carson after tour: Syrian refugees don’t want to come to USA after touring Syrian refugee camps in Jordan, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Saturday suggested that camps should serve as a long-term solution for millions, while other refugees could be absorbed by Middle Eastern countries.
  • Obama On Planned Parenthood Shooting: ‘We Can’t Let It Become Normal'”Enough is enough.” President Barack Obama released a statement Saturday morning addressing Friday’s mass shooting at a Colorado Springs branch of Planned Parenthood, which left three dead, including a police officer, and nine injured.
  • Chris Christie’s struggling presidential campaign got a much-needed boost Saturday night when the influential New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed the New Jersey governor.