Karl Frisch Executive Director of Allied Progress, calls in at 9:00am ET / 6:00am PT.

Frisch 2013


Michael Tomasky of “The Daily Beast” calls in at 10:00am ET / 7:00am PT.

Healthcare reform expert Jacki Schechner calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT for “Jacki’s Healthcare Corner”

Comedian Dana Goldberg. joins us at 11am / EST / 8am PST.


Exam shows Obama lost 5 pounds, gained a half-inch in height

Health-wise, President Obama is finishing his time in the Oval Office strong –– recording his lowest weight so far as chief executive.The president reportedly lost 5 pounds since his last physical exam in 2014 and somehow gained a half-inch in height.
His doctor wrote in a memo Tuesday: “All clinical data indicates that the president is very healthy.”

GOP establishment creeps toward Cruz. Republican elites are begrudgingly embracing Ted Cruz—and hanging Marco Rubio out to dry. Panicked at Donald Trump’s dominance and dismayed by Rubio’s continued inability to do anything about it, some top Republican power brokers are turning to Cruz, putting aside their policy and personal misgivings to back the candidate they now openly label as their best hope to stop Trump’s GOP takeover.

Chicago Tribune endorses Rubio in 2016 Republican presidential race- The Chicago Tribune endorsed U.S. Senator Marco Rubio in the 2016 Republican presidential race on Wednesday, a week before Illinois’ winner-take-all presidential primary.

Did Trump’s campaign manager rough up a female reporter? Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is under fire for allegedly yanking a female reporter out of the way after the GOP candidate’s victory press conference in Florida on Tuesday night.