• Sexy Liberal Hal Sparks joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 9am ET / 6am PT for all three hours of Humpdays With Hal

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) calls in at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT to talk about the Supreme Court’s rulings on immigration and health care reform, plus the Holder contempt hearings

• If the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act this week, President Obama will have “wasted” most of his first term, presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney said Tuesday.

• Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday laced into Mitt Romney for allegedly outsourcing jobs while at Bain Capital and reviving the charge that Romney is out of touch because he once held a Swiss bank account and investments in the Cayman Islands.

• Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) beat back a tea party challenge in the Utah primaries yesterday, and Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) survived a primary challenge in New York despite ethics charges against him.

• Republican senators on Tuesday welcomed a move by the director of national intelligence to snuff out leaks of classified information but insisted that a special counsel is needed to investigate the Obama administration and recent disclosures.