The Rude Pundit calls in at 9:30am ET / 6:30am PT to talk about Romney’s assertion that we have enough teachers, cops, and firefighters

Eric Boehlert, Senior Fellow at Media Matters for America, calls in at 10am ET / 7am PT to co-host Right Wing World

Mitt Romney condemned President Obama’s assessment of the private sector’s health as “fine” on Friday as a misreading of historic proportions. Romney seized on the comments, accusing Obama of being “out of touch.”

• Mitt Romney said in a speech in Iowa that Obama did not get the “message from Wisconsin.” Romney said that Americans “do not want more teachers, firemen, and policemen” calling them “more big government”.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce John Bryson is being investigated in a felony hit-and-run case after allegedly crashing a Lexus into two vehicles in California on June 9, Los Angeles County police have confirmed.

• The House Oversight Committee will vote next week on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The dispute stems from Holder failing to turn over documents subpoenaed in the Fast and Furious “gunwalking” investigation.

The bittersweet love story “Once” captured eight Tony Awards on Sunday, including best musical direction, best lead actor in a musical and the top musical prize itself.