Frisch 2013
Karl Frisch, Executive Director of Allied Progress, via phone in Hr 1

Dana Goldberg, Comedian, IN STUDIO for Hr 3

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Donald Trump is gloating about Mike Pence’s performance at the Vice Presidential debates, claiming credit (of course) because “I hired him first.” Trump then helpfully takes the time to tell a room full of his Reno, Nevada supporters the proper way to say “NE-VAH-DA” and for some reason they don’t laugh him out of the room.

Both Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton point out the fact that Mike Pence refused to back up anything Donald Trump has said during his campaign, because everything Donald Trump says is impossible to defend.

Bill Clinton clarifies his thoughts on Obama’s Affordable Care Act in order to halt what the right-wing news has tried to spin into their latest scandal, noting that the law’s problems stem from constant GOP efforts to derail the president.

And Libertarian VP candidate Bill Weld openly admits that nobody wants him on the ticket.