Charlie Pierce from calls in at 7:30.


Podcaster host of From The Bunker, Jody Hamilton joins us in studio in the 8’o’clock hour.


Majority says Trump is hurting GOP brand

A majority of Americans – and an even greater majority of Latinos say that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is hurting the Republican Party’s image, and half of Americans believe that his rhetoric is “insulting and offensive


Hillary Clinton leads the Republican presidential field in hypothetical general-election match-ups, with Ben Carson and Marco Rubio running the closest to her, according to a new national MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist poll.


Dick Cheney comes out against Donald trump’s views on not letting Muslims enter our country. He says that s goes against everything that we stand for.


Donald Trump is saying that we can’t let any Muslims into the country until this problem is fixed. Many critics say this kind of rhetoric is bad.