• Charlie Pierce of Esquire’s Politics Blog calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about who keeps defending Donald Trump

• Podcaster Jody Hamilton joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 11am ET / 8am PT for “Total Trollop Tuesday”

Cesca2Bob Cesca of “The Bob & Chez Show” podcast calls in at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT to talk about why Donald Trump is doomed

• As a U.S.-led coalition continues military operations against extremists in the Middle East, President Obama on Monday stressed that defeating ISIS will depend on local cooperation. There are no current plans to send more American troops overseas, Obama said.

• GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is doubling down on calling Mexican immigrants “criminals”. In his new statement, Trump said, “The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”

• A new Gallup poll shows that a total of 46 percent of Americans said they consider themselves Democrats and 41 percent identified themselves as Republicans. The two parties had been fairly even in the last three quarters of 2014.

• According to court documents, Bill Cosby admitted in 2005 that he got quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with, and that he gave the sedative to at least one woman and “other people.”