Charlie Pierce of Esquire’s Politics Blog calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about the 2012 Presidential Race, and about the end of the line for Ron Paul

• Political Strategist Dave “Mudcat” Saunders calls in at 11am ET / 8am PT to talk about Wayne Powell’s race in Virginia to unseat Eric Cantor

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) calls in at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT to talk about extending tax cuts for the Middle Class, and about Romney’s Bain problem

• With Congress preparing to tackle a series of controversial tax and budget issues this fall, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) is warning the GOP that Dems are not planning to stand down in the ongoing battle over extending Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy.

• Back in the must-win state of Ohio yesterday, President Obama said Mitt Romney’s tax policies would create 800,000 jobs, but, “They wouldn’t be in America.”

Mitt Romney held up the waiters and waitresses serving donors at a well-heeled fundraising event last night as examples of people who aren’t doing well under President Obama, saying the people serving the “refreshments” weren’t “having a good year.”

• A woman identified only as “Witness 9” in the George Zimmerman case told investigators that he molested her when they were children, information released Monday by the State Attorney’s Office reveals.