Golden Gavel Court
Golden Gavel Court

Trump attorney Clifford Robert on Monday blasted a report issued last week by the former judge appointed to monitor the Trump Organization as an inaccurate depiction of the firm’s finances intended to justify the continued oversight of the company.

Robert criticized the report in a scathing letter to the judge overseeing Trump’s civil fraud trial, in which Trump is accused by New York Attorney General Letitia James of inflating his net worth in order to get more favorable loan terms. Trump has denied all wrongdoing, and a ruling in the case is expected at any time.

In a statement to ABC News, Trump attorney Chris Kise accused the report by independent monitor Barbara Jones of exaggerating immaterial issues in the Trump Organization’s finances to “fill the gaping hole in the Attorney General’s case” and justify the $2.6 million in fees collected by Jones.

Read the rest of the story at ABC Mews