1. Honestly, the conservadouche Fox “news” moderators, Bret Baier and Martha MacCullum, could have phrased things differently at the first debate of the future losers of the Republican nomination for president on Wednesday night in Milwaukee. Baier asked for a show of hands in answer to the question, “If former President Trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party’s choice?” He might as well have asked, “If President Trump wanted you to come to his prison cell and suck his dick, would you?” The response would have been the same, with fast-talking, bright-toothed, empty-headed rich fucknut Vivek Ramaswamy eagerly raising his hand to volunteer that he’d vigorously gobble some orange knob and others joining in to demonstrate how much they want Trump’s balls slapping their chins with pathetic, shouty worm Ron DeSantis and America’s mopiest stepdad Mike Pence grudgingly admitting that, yeah, they’d mouth the mushroom. Only sad, hairless scrotum Asa Hutchinson and beach ball with high blood pressure Chris Christie had the nerve to say, “No, get that thing out of my face.”