Let’s do this together, shall we? Let’s take hands and peer over into the abyss and hope that it doesn’t peer back. Okay, into the mouth of madness we go…
Here’s what we know that Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene believes just from things she has said, written, or responded to positively, more or less in order from completely barking mad to dangerously batshit (although the line is mighty, mighty thin):
1. She has expressed support for the existence of the so-insane-it-may-as-well-be-scrawled-in-shit-on-a-padded-room-wall QAnon idea know as “frazzledrip.” According to the shit scrawlers, the name comes from a file on Anthony Weiner’s laptop that contains a video that shows Hillary Clinton and Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, torturing a child, including wearing her face skin as a mask, in order to scare her so her blood…and it’s all fucking awful and dumb and anyone who believes it should not fucking be allowed in Walmart, let alone Congress. Greene commented on a mention of it on Facebook, “I post things sometimes to see who knows things. Most the time people don’t,” which is what you say when you don’t know what’s real and you’re a goddamn lunatic.