Rude Pundit
Rude Pundit

Over on the online version of the conservative magazine American Spectator (motto: “We’re batshit right-wingers but also pretentious as all fuck”), Jeffrey Lord, who is what you picture when you think,  “Soon-to-be-extinct kind of old white man,” wrote a thing last month titled, “The Trump Gag Order: Corrupt Judge Assaults Free Speech.” It’s an attack on Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is on the January 6 trial, for the now-stayed limits on the incendiary accusations and lies that Trump has been gleefully tossing like a stink-faced 1930s street urchin cackling as he throws firecrackers at dogs and horses. 

One moment in the “column” (if by “column,” you mean, “The pathetic bullying of a bully-adjacent loser”) has stuck in my craw. It comes after Lord quotes Chutkan’s order. After discussing the truly fucked-up shit that Trump has said, she wrote that “once an individual is publicly targeted, even revoking the offending statement may not abate the subsequent threats, harassment, or other intimidating effects during the pretrial as well as the trial stages of this case.”