You think sometimes that you’re inured to the blithe madness and the constant stream of fuckery from people in the Trump Party (formerly known as the “Republican Party”). You can hear a compliant little bitch like House Speaker Mike Johnson, who always looks like he really wants to tell you about the boy he keeps in a shed in his backyard, say something ridiculous like “The President has executive authority right now” to do what he wants with the border, and think, “Yeah, that’s why Texas is totally listening to him when he says to take down the fucking razor wire.” You can hear Nikki Haley burble whatever pathetic swipe she wants to take at the former president, and think, “Call him a ‘rapist,’ Nikki, or get the fuck out of the race.”
But every once in a while, one of these motherfuckers goes even further on one of the Sunday political gabfests and just says to everyone’s face, “I am a genuine motherfucker. If I see a mother, I will fuck her. I will fuck all the mothers because I’m a motherfucker. It’s right there in the word.” And on This Week with George Stephanopoulos’s Hair, Senator JD Vance proved that he’s one vile motherfucker. It was honestly one of the most fucked up performances I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve watched prison shank porn.