The Rude Pundit
The Rude Pundit

I can’t get past something when it comes to the multiple crimes of Donald Trump, who really was president (something I still can’t fucking believe happened – I mean, I know it happened. I’m not denying the existence of facts, like Trump and his braindead legions do. I’m just always gonna be like “Fuck us that we let that happen”). And it’s really simple, one of those elegant confluences of circumstance that should have complete clarity. It’s this:

The law is intensely clear: With a few exceptions that need to be approved, the records of a presidential administration belong to the nation, not the president. All of it, classified, unclassified, and declassified, go to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, an office set up to take care of those records that are, again, by law, the nation’s. There’s no wiggle room on this. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals made it crystal-fuckin’-clear in its decision this week in favor of the Justice Department when it comes to the hundred or so documents found by the FBI at Trump’s shitty fake castle, Mar-a-lago. “They are ‘owned by, produced by or for, or . . . under the control of the United States Government,'” it wrote