On Tuesday, I published an article titled, “Trump wants another MAGA terrorist attack—and alarmingly he may get it.” On Wednesday, we saw an alarming example of MAGA violence in Utah when a MAGA extremist died in a shootout with FBI agents who were attempting to arrest him for threats he made to kill President Biden—as well as Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and others.
At the outset I want to note that I wrote my article Tuesday not to scare people—or to be provocative– but because I’m deeply concerned that we are seeing an uptick in MAGA threats and will soon see more violence. Beyond the reports of increased threats versus judges, prosecutors and others who are involved in the prosecution of Trump, an anecdotal example I gave was the uptick in angry MAGA emails I’ve received in the past few weeks. (I included screen grabs in my article.)
Read the rest of Dean Obeidallah’s piece at The Dean’s Report