I guess this must have been what it was like at Versailles while all hell broke loose in Paris. From The Washington Post:
After a turn on the step-and-repeat with [owner of the music venue Echostage, Pete] Kalamoutsos, [social media content creator] Tony P was whisked upstairs, champagne in hand, to a roped-off VIP area, where he mingled with party doyenne and consultant Tammy Haddad and Axios CEO Jim VandeHei. Eventually, another guest joined the VIP section: former speaker of the House Paul D. Ryan. Tony P was star-struck. He worked up his courage. He shakes Ryan’s hand. “I would have voted for you in ’12 if I was old enough,” Tony P says to Ryan, even though Tony P is a Democrat. A dozen feet away and a foot lower in elevation from that stage, Henry considers this odd yet somehow perfectly matched pairing. “It’s Paul Ryan and Tony P. That’s the VIP section. And I feel like that’s emblematic of D.C.,” she says.
Be still, my heart.