I suppose discussing The Interview is worth a few pixels. I thought both halves of the Democratic ticket did fairly well, and I don’t think Dana Bash was all that terrible. (She was, of course, terrible, along with Jake Tapper, in their roles as moderators of Trump-Biden, in which they allowed the former president* to gish-gallop like Secretariat on the backstretch of the Belmont.) She didn’t ask a single question I didn’t anticipate, and she elicited nothing from either candidate that I didn’t already know, although I am a bit startled by Vice President Harris’ sudden devotion to fracking, especially considering the current dangerous rise in methane emissions, which are an inevitable byproduct of the fracking process. I would have liked to hear the vice president address that very real concern, but Bash perseverated on the why-did-you-change? gotcha theme because that’s what you do in the television game.