Charlie Pierce Esquire
Charlie Pierce Esquire

Chief Justice Tom Parker of the Alabama Soo-preme Court has placed a lot of important Republican asses on a very hot griddle. For decades, they placated the fanatic fetus-fondlers in their political base with half-measures and platitudes. Then the U.S. Supremes dropped the Dobbs decision into their laps and, suddenly, there was no place for them to hide any more. And now, while they’re still wrongfooted from that development, here comes Chief Justice Tom ruling that all the little IVF embryos are babies beloved by God, to whose private cellphone number Chief Justice Tom has the number. He and the Almighty got together and decided that all IVF procedures are against the law in Alabama. IVF is a very popular thing. And Republicans are scrambling like…well…eggs over this new issue that they should’ve seen coming, but clearly didn’t.

Read the rest of Charlie Pierce’s piece at Esquire Politics