The Rude Pundit
The Rude Pundit

I’ve been trying to articulate for the last week this feeling of things spinning off their axis. I’m in the UK right now, a place I now end up spending about a month a year, and I was talking about politics with a young man from Northern Ireland. He had supported Brexit, yes, because he had believed the Conservatives’ utter garbage about how much funding would go to the National Health Service. Now that Brexit is so obviously the clusterfuck of regulations and shortages that the Stay coalition had said it would be, as well as there being no benefit at all to having left the EU, Donal is, to say the least, done with Boris Johnson and the Conservatives. 

I pointed out to him that at least politicians in the UK don’t pander to religion quite as blatantly or quite as regularly as American politicians do. “You don’t see anyone here talking about how God wants them to do something,” I said.

“No, they don’t,” Donal said. “Everyone would look at them as if they’re quite mad.”

Read the rest of The Rude Pundit’s piece at his blog…