1. At his campaign rallies of the damned the last two nights, in Minneapolis on Thursday and in Lake Charles, Louisiana, on Friday, President Donald Trump repeated one word like it was a tic or, more likely, the result of having the vocabulary of an Adderall-popping 8-year-old. That word? “Great.” Like when he was blowing Fox “news”:
– “What a great group, Ainsley and Steve, and by the way, Brian has gotten a lot better, right? Brian was a seven and he’s getting close to ten territories, and Steve has been so great, and Ainsley is just incredible.”

And then immediately:
– “There’s some really great people, and again, Tucker has been very good. I have to say he’s been very good. Smart, he’s been great, Tucker. And the legendary Sean Hannity, great, number one, number one show.”

Read the rest of The Rude Pundit’s piece at his blog.